little TOOLS

I have made some templates as little Tools to help you in your journey.

Tools to help you make your way.

- Use the tools I use -

made for you

You can purchase these templates as practical little Tools to help you in your architectural journey.

Whether it is a Property Information Document to see if a place if right for you, an Architectural Design Brief to interpret your ideas and feelings into architecture for your home or a Schedule to help put all the physical parts of your home together.

All of these templates can be used to help you find your architecture and for you to use to communicate what you are after to professionals who will help you. They are not just useful as a one off, you will use them throughout the entire process.

Choose one or collect a bundle!


T a k e a l o o k b e l o w t o f i n d a l l t h e l i t t l e T e m p l a t e s I h a v e m a d e f o r y o u.

I have put them in the order of the steps in the process to help make them easier for you to find.



era-00 process.jpg

step one

era-01 purpose.jpg

Purpose | Your End Goal

I d e a l t o h e l p y o u c l a r i f y y o u r W H Y

Get to know why you are commencing this journey.

This is a 19 page template for you to complete yourself.

But it is more than just a template - it is a guide to help you find your purpose and a tool to establish your end goal.

Filled with information and tasks for you to complete, it is a particularly useful way to find out why you are embarking on this architectural journey and to set the reason against which you will make all of your decisions throughout the process.

Complete this document at the beginning of your journey to understand your purpose. Then use it through the process to recall what you after to make sure you get there. .Knowing your purpose will help you make every decision which comes your way and ensure you reach your end goal..

It is not just a document for you, once completed it can be given to others, including professionals, to clarify what you are after from your project.

If you are working with a designer or contractor, you can use it to communicate what you are after to them.

If you are purchasing an off-the-plan design, you can use it to help you choose a design that is as specific to you as it can be.

When purchased, you will receive a link to download the following documents in your inbox:

  • the Purpose document as a digital file in Microsoft Word doc format - ready for you to use!

  • the Purpose document as a digital file in pdf format for you to print up or for you to reference as the original layout for the file.

  • a description for How to Use the Template as a digital file in pdf format.


AU $10

‘To see the world, things dangerous to come to, to see behind walls, draw closer, to find each other, and to feel. That is the purpose of life.’



step TWO



I d e a l t o h e l p y o u c l a r i f y W H E R E YOU WANT TO BE

Find your place.

This is an 18 page template for you to complete yourself.

But it is more than just a template - it is a guide to help you find and learn about what you are looking for in your place.

Filled with information and tasks for you to complete, it is particularly useful to see what type of place is suitable for you.

Complete this document at the beginning of your journey to understand what you want from your place in order to choose a property that is right for you and your architecture. Then use it through the process to understand your place.

It is not just a document for you, once completed it can be given to others, including professionals, as a one stop information document about what you are looking for in your place.

If you are working with a real estate agent, you can use it to communicate what you are after to them.

If you are purchasing an off-the-plan design, you can use it to help you choose a place that is as specific to you as it can be.

When purchased, you will receive a link to download the following documents in your inbox:

  • the Find Your Place document as a digital file in Microsoft Word doc format - ready for you to use!

  • the Find Your Place document as a digital file in pdf format for you to print up or for you to reference as the original layout for the file.

  • a description for How to Use the Template as a digital file in pdf format.


AU $20


step TWO

era-02 place.jpg

Place | Property Information | the story of your place

I d e a l t o h e l p y o u c l a r i f y y o u r W H E R E

Get to know your place.

This is a 22 page template for you to complete yourself.

But it is more than just a template - it is a guide to help you find and learn about your place and it is a tool to store information about your place that you will refer to as you travel through your journey.

Filled with information and tasks for you to complete, it is particularly useful as Pre-Purchase information for your Property to see if it is suitable for you, or for use if you already own your Property and wish to begin a project on it.

Complete this document at the beginning of your journey to understand all the existing elements of your place and how you can work with them to make your architecture. Then use it through the process to recall the details of your place. If you know about all the existing things in your place, it will reduce the risk of uncovering something unexpected later on that might derail your journey.

It is not just a document for you, once completed it can be given to others, including professionals, as a one stop information document about your place.

If you are working with a designer or contractor, you can use it to communicate what you are after to them.

If you are purchasing an off-the-plan design, you can use it to help you choose a design that is as specific to you as it can be.

When purchased, you will receive a link to download the following documents in your inbox:

  • the Property Information document as a digital file in Microsoft Word doc format - ready for you to use!

  • the Property Information document as a digital file in pdf format for you to print up or for you to reference as the original layout for the file.

  • a description for How to Use the Template as a digital file in pdf format.


AU $60


step THREE

era-03 people.jpg


I d e a l t o h e l p y o u c l a r i f y y o u r W H O + W H A T

Get to know yourself and what you want from your architectural project.

This is a 24 page template for you to complete yourself.

But it is more than just a template - it is a guide to help you find and learn about you, the people around you and what you are looking for in your architecture.

‘I didn’t understand why you wanted us to fill out so much information, until I saw your design and realised you couldn’t have put it together so perfectly for us without the information we’d given you.’ - Kathryn Jacobsen, Client

Filled with information and tasks for you to complete, it is particularly useful to define what you need and what you want.

Complete this document at the beginning of your journey to understand yourself, the people who will share your architecture and what you want in order to make architecture specific to you. Then use it through the process to recall who you are and what you are after in your architecture.

It is not just a document for you, once completed it can be given to others, including professionals, as a one stop information document about you, your people and what you want.

If you are working with a designer or contractor, you can use it to communicate what you are after to them.

If you are purchasing an off-the-plan design, you can use it to help you choose a design that is as specific to you as it can be.

When purchased, you will receive a link to download the following documents in your inbox:

  • the Architectural Design Brief as a digital file in Microsoft Word doc format - ready for you to use!

  • the Architectural Design Brief as a digital file in pdf format for you to print up or for you to reference as the original layout for the file.

  • a description for How to Use the Template as a digital file in pdf format.


AU $60


step FOUR

era-07 plan.jpg

PROGRAM | Time planner

I d e a l t o h e l p y o u c l a r i f y y o u r N U M B E R S

Get in order and plan your project. This is a simple one page time planner so you can see things big picture.

This is a template for you to complete yourself.

But it is more than just a template - it is a structure that will help make your architecture a reality.

When downloaded, this Time Planner will arrive in your inbox as a digital file in pdf format.



step FIVE

era-05 parts.jpg

PARTS | Schedule

I d e a l t o h e l p y o u c l a r i f y y o u r P A R T S

Investigate each space and find out what it will be made with.

This is a template for you to complete yourself.

But it is more than just a template - it is a guide to help you find and learn about the parts that will make up your architecture.

Filled with information and tasks for you to complete, it is particularly useful to define the parts and products you will use.

It is not just a document for you, once completed it can be given to others, including professionals and a contractor, as a one stop information document about the parts of your architecture.

You will receive the Parts Schedule in word or excel formats with sections to include all of the parts you will need and to add in costs for each if you would like to keep track.

If you are working with a designer or contractor, you can use it to communicate what you are after to them.

If you are purchasing an off-the-plan design, you can use it to help you choose a design that is as specific to you as it can be. To identify the standard finishes and others outside of the standard choices that you would like to include.

When purchased, you will receive a link to download the following documents in your inbox:

  • an 18 page Parts Schedule as a digital file in Microsoft Word doc format - ready for you to use!

  • a 20 page Parts Schedule with cost information for each part as a digital file in Microsoft Word doc format - ready for you to use!

  • a 2 page Parts Schedule with cost information for each part as a digital file in Microsoft Excel xlsx format - ready for you to use!

  • both Parts Schedule types as digital files in pdf format for you to print up or for you to reference as the original layout for each Microsoft Word file.

  • a description for How to Use the Template within each Microsoft Word doc and pdf digital file.


AU $100


step FOUR + FIVE

PROGRAM + PArts | Planner

I d e a l t o h e l p y o u c l a r i f y y o u r N U M B E R S + P A R T S

Get in order and plan your project in detail. This is a detailed planner so that you can see your budget, time frame and the parts of your project in one place.

This is a template for you to complete yourself.

But it is more than just a template - it is a detailed structure that will help make your architecture a reality.

Filled with information and tasks for you to complete, it is particularly useful to define how your budget, time frame and the parts of your architecture will work together to make your architecture a reality.

It is not just a document for you, once completed it can be given to others, including professionals, as a one stop information document about the budget, time and parts of your architecture.

If you are working with a designer or contractor, you can use it to communicate what you are after to them.

If you are purchasing an off-the-plan design, you can use it to help you choose a design that is as specific to you as it can be.

When downloaded, this Planner will arrive in your inbox as a digital file in Microsoft Excel and pdf format.



step SIX

era-06 patterns.jpg


I d e a l t o h e l p y o u c l a r i f y y o u r P A T T E R N S

Put your patterns in an order to find your design and unique architectural language.

This is a template for you to complete yourself.

But it is more than just a template - it is a guide to help you learn how to collect all of your information together in order to see the patterns that will make your unique architectural language.

Filled with information and tasks for you to complete, it is particularly useful to define your unique architectural language and translate that language into a design that is specific to you.

It is not just a document for you, once completed it can be given to others, including professionals, as a one stop information document about your design.

If you are working with a designer or contractor, you can use it to communicate what you are after to them.

If you are purchasing an off-the-plan design, you can use it to help you choose a design that is as specific to you as it can be.

When downloaded, this Design will arrive in your inbox as a digital file in Microsoft Word doc and pdf format.



step EIGHT

era-08 team.jpg

Professionals | Contacts List

I d e a l t o h e l p y o u c l a r i f y t h e P R O F E S S I O N A L S w h o w i l l w o r k w i t h y o u

This is a template for you to complete yourself.

Put everyone involved in your project in one place.

This is a comprehensive list of all the people who may be involved in helping you design and build your architecture.

There are two types of Contacts List included.

  • A 6 page Contacts List in A4 portrait format with a list of all of your professional team with areas for collating their contact information.

  • A 14 page Contacts List in A4 landscape format with a list of all of your professional team with areas for collating their contact information, as well as a place to record their fee information as well.

When purchased, you will receive a link to download the following documents in your inbox:

  • a 6 page Contacts List as a digital file in Microsoft Word doc format - ready for you to use!

  • a 14 page Contacts List with fee information for each professional as a digital file in Microsoft Word doc format - ready for you to use!

  • both Contacts Lists as digital files in pdf format for you to print up or for you to reference as the original layout for the file.

  • a description for How to Use the Template as a digital file in pdf format.


AU $20


step TEN

era-10 permit-small.jpg

PeRMIT | Conditions of development Approval CHECKLIST

I d e a l t o h e l p y o u c l a r i f y y o u r P E R M I T R E Q U I R E M E N T S

This is a single page template for you to complete yourself.

Schedule the conditions of your Development Approval that are still to be completed and keep track of who is doing what and when it needs to be done by.

Customise the page so that it is specific to your architectural project.

Duplicate the page set out to keep and remember all of your conversations or the information you gather in the same format.

When purchased, you will receive a link to download the following documents in your inbox:

  • the Conditions of Development Approval Checklist as a digital file in Microsoft Word doc format - ready for you to use!

  • the Conditions of Development Approval Checklist as a digital file in pdf format for you to print up or for you to reference as the original layout for the file.

  • a description for How to Use the Template as a digital file in pdf format.


AU $5



era-12 permit-small.jpg

PeRMIT | Conditions of BUILDING Approval CHECKLIST

I d e a l t o h e l p y o u c l a r i f y y o u r P E R M I T R E Q U I R E M E N T S

This is a single page template for you to complete yourself.

Schedule the conditions of your Building Approval that are still to be completed and keep track of who is doing what and when it needs to be done by.

Customise the page so that it is specific to your architectural project.

Duplicate the page set out to keep and remember all of your conversations or the information you gather in the same format.

When purchased, you will receive a link to download the following documents in your inbox:

  • the Conditions of Building Approval Checklist as a digital file in Microsoft Word doc format - ready for you to use!

  • the Conditions of Building Approval Checklist as a digital file in pdf format for you to print up or for you to reference as the original layout for the file.

  • a description for How to Use the Template as a digital file in pdf format.


AU $5



era-13 papers.jpg


I d e a l t o h e l p y o u c l a r i f y y o u r P A P E R S

This is a template for you to complete yourself.

Put record of all of your documents in one place, including what they are, who prepared each, where you received them from and when, who you have sent them to and when.

When downloaded, this Record of Documents will arrive in your inbox as a digital file in Microsoft Word doc, Microsoft Exel and pdf format.




era-16 build.jpg


I d e a l t o h e l p y o u C O M M E N C E

This is a six page template for you to complete yourself.

A Start-up Meeting is the first meeting you have with your Contractor. It is an important way to start the construction of your architecture and the relationship you will have with your Contractor. It is different to other site meetings for your project, but sets the structure for what you will talk about in the future.

This document can be used as an Agenda for your Start-Up Meeting and as the Start-Up Meeting Minutes you distribute to record what is discussed. You might also use it as a Checklist of things that need to be completed in order for construction to commence.

When purchased, you will receive a link to download the following documents in your inbox:

  • the Start Up Meeting as a digital file in Microsoft Word doc format - ready for you to use!

  • the Start Up Meeting as a digital file in pdf format for you to print up or for you to reference as the original layout for the file.

  • a description for How to Use the Template as a digital file in pdf format.


AU $30



era-16 progress extra.jpg


I d e a l t o h e l p y o u w i t h S I T E M E E T I N G S w i t h y o u r C o n t r a c t o r

This is a three page template for you to complete yourself.

It can be used as an Agenda for each of your site meetings that you have with your contractor and as the Meeting Minutes you distribute to record what has been discussed.

When purchased, you will receive a link to download the following documents in your inbox:

  • the Site Meetings as a digital file in Microsoft Word doc format - ready for you to use!

  • the Site Meetings as a digital file in pdf format for you to print up or for you to reference as the original layout for the file.

  • a description for How to Use the Template as a digital file in pdf format.


AU $20



era-16 progress extra.jpg

PROGRESS | Notes Page

I d e a l t o h e l p y o u r e m e m b e r e v e r y c o n v e r s a t i o n

This is a single page template for you to complete yourself.

Customise the page so that it is specific to your architectural project.

Duplicate the page set out to keep and remember all of your conversations or the information you gather in the same format.

You can use the Notes Page to record information digitally or print it out to carry it with you to jot down the little things you are learning or the conversations you are having about your architecture.

When purchased, you will receive a link to download the following documents in your inbox:

  • the Notes Page document as a digital file in Microsoft Word doc format - ready for you to use!

  • the Notes Page document as a digital file in pdf format with no text to alter or amend - ready for you to print to use!

  • the Notes Page document as a digital file in pdf format for you to print up or for you to reference as the original layout for the file.

  • a description for How to Use the Template as a digital file in pdf format.


AU $5

You may be interested in a little Book I have written to help you in your journey.

Whether you use the little things I have made for you, or whether you would like to work with me one on one, let’s start the journey in working together to find your architectural language and make your little ideas a reality.