Have you decided to design and build architecture, but you are not sure which is the best path to take to reach your end goal?

F i n d a p a t h t h a t w i l l l e a d y o u t o t h e a r c h i t e c t u r e y o u a r e t r y i n g t o a c h i e v e .

The architecture you would like to create is entirely up to you.

Finding your path at the beginning of the process will have one of the biggest impacts on how you will experience the process to design and build.

Your path will be individual to you, so the plan and strategy that is created will be specific to you.

What is included:

-        You will receive some Quick Questions to complete and return to me so that I can understand your project.

-        I will review your answers and Gather Information in general about your place prior to meeting with you.

-        We will have Two Hours of Chat One on One so that I can understand what you would like to achieve.

I can come to you, or we can meet somewhere you feel comfortable.

  • We can Chat in person locally if you are located between Glenbrook and Lithgow in the Blue Mountains, New South Wales.

  • We can Chat by Microsoft Teams, Facetime or Whats App if you are local or located elsewhere.

-        Based on what you would like to achieve, I will map a path that you can take to reach your end goal including all of the little steps along the way, such as which approval pathway you will take as well as which construction type will best suit you. Depending on what you would like to do, the work may fall into more than one path.

-        You will receive a written document describing Your Path, including any useful tips or references, to help you move forward.

-        You will also receive a written Plan of Action sent in pdf format by email, including any useful tips or references to help you move forward.

When you add this option to your cart and have finished the transaction, you will receive some Quick Questions in your inbox.

Return your Quick Questions to me by email so that we can arrange a time to chat!

Find Your Path!


Or Get in Touch to clarify any questions to work out if this is right for you.

The few hours you gave us at the beginning of the planning process was so worthwhile and set us on a thoughtful track! Anonymous | CLIENT