era | Getting Your Architecture Started
The process of architecture can seem daunting - there are so many choices!
So how do you get started?
I am thinking about getting ready for an early start in the morning.
Thinking about the order in which everything needs to occur for us to all get out of the door in time. I am working out a process so that we can achieve our end goal.
Architecture is just the same, but it can be tricky to get started.
If you are sitting poised to begin your architecture, but the choices are overwhelming and you’re not sure where to start, the big question to answer is
What is your end goal and how will you achieve it?
The answer gives you the direction you need to begin the steps to make it happen.
You may tweak your answer along your journey, but once you have it you can get started.
My little people just start creating. They jump into drawing a picture or building towers with lego without any forethought as to how it will turn out at the end of the day, and they are not hindered by the overwhelm that comes from having too many options to choose from.
They have no inhibitions!
They aren’t afraid to get started.
You shouldn’t be afraid either.
You know what you want at the end of the day. So, don’t be afraid to start.
So, what is your end goal? What is your purpose for the architecture you want to make?
Look at the little things you feel.
Your purpose is often a feeling more than a physical thing. What is the first thing that pops into your head? What are the second and third things? What do they have in common?
If you are getting stuck, try asking yourself why five times.
What do you want to achieve at the end of the day? ANSWER
Then, why? And in answer to that, why? And in answer to that, why? And in answer to that, why?
This is the essence of what you want at the end of the day.
Then, how will you achieve it? Will you employ people to help you or take it on yourself?
Look at the little things you already know.
You may already have an idea for how you would like to go about designing and building your architecture. If not, you don’t have to decide straight away, but it helps to give it some thought. It may be that you will employ someone else to do it all for you, or you might take on parts yourself and have others help you along the way.
The process you choose guides you to the first steps to finding your architecture.
When you are finding it hard to get started or you’re stuck and don’t know what to do next,
begin with what you know.
Whether you are working out how to get started in the process, finding where to locate your architecture, making a decision on a material to use or drawing the layout for a room, start with something you know and the things that you don’t know will fall into place.
No matter what situation you are in, there is always something there that you know is true and will not change. Find it first, then work out the answers to everything around it.
This always works!
For instance, you may be trying to work out where to locate your architecture. There seem to be so many options! But what do you know?
You know where the road and footpath is where you are arriving from, you know where the existing trees are and which ones are healthy to keep or need to go, you know where the existing service connections are, you know where the sun is and therefore where it is warm to sit or be shaded, you know where the wind blows and where you can hide from it.
The list goes on – and all of the information you know helps you to make the decision for where to locate your architecture.
Or, you may be stuck working out your end goal.
But what do you know? You know about yourself. You know about yourself in your past. You know about yourself in your present. So what does the lifestyle of your future look like?
This is why gathering information is so important. It informs architecture specific to you.
So, with some of these little things in mind, but channeling your three year old uninhibited mind, jump in and get started!
For you to Save
Til next time!
Start the journey to find your architectural language and make your little ideas a reality.
Click here to see the little things I have made for you, or click here if you would like to work with me one on one.